Friday, August 26, 2011

Afterward, Humans Will Never Learn From The Bubbles They Blow

Former post appeared at Business Insider.

If you have never seen Jesus in your life, perhaps you need new friends.
In a college dorm I was joshing with friends when my #2 best friend took a swipe at another guy, “Haha, you are an animal, Abe.”
Abe was African, and he came to America.  He was black, and he was tactful.
“Haha, but we all are animals”, he joked.  My #2 best friend, who no longer is my friend, looked down, and I looked up.  I swear I saw Jesus in Abe at that moment.
We all are animals.  Whether we think we are special, we all were made by God.  In some respects, we are all the same.  And I think that is what Abe was speaking to, and it is what I believe.